Safety first!
Safety first!

It is mandatory to put in place a regular fork inspection system to ensure perfect operating conditions. This includes dimensioning and conditions.
Inspections, repairs or replacements shall be carried out as a pair.

Fork Inspections - Intervals

  • Forks in use shall be inspected at intervals of 12 months or less depending on possible severe application, multi-shift operation and fork conditions.
  • Regular inspections should be carried out by trained personnel. In case of detected damage, failures, deformations etc. forks shall be withdrawn from service and not be returned to service unless satisfactorily repaired or rerated.
Note: remind to check fork hooks concurrently.

Fork Inspections - Wear
Fork Inspections - Wear

  • Forks must be checked regularly to ensure the heel wear is not more than 10% of the original thickness of the fork as per ISO 5057.
  • If the fork heel wear is more than 10%, the fork must be replaced or rerated.
  • The best way to inspect forks is to use a fork caliper.

Fork Inspections - Measurement

  1. Determine the nominal thickness “N” of the fork. Measurement has to be done on the fork shank using the caliper ruler (1).
  2. Position the caliper at the end of the heel internal radius, where the wear is higher, with the slot corresponding to the nominal dimension N measured at point 1 (eg. for N 45 use 45 mm thickness).
  3. If the fork enters the slot, it means the wear is more than the safety limit, therefore it is mandatory to replace it.
    Furthermore, a 10% reduction in fork blade thickness results in 20% reduction in operating capacity.

Fork Inspection

If the fork wear is 10% or higher than the nominal thickness, it is mandatory to replace the fork (ISO 5750).

For further instructions on forks maintenance and inspections, please refer to the BOLZONI FORKS GUIDE, available at: